Metrotile Offers Full NBS Source-backed Specification Service

Date: 21 Jun 2021

Metrotile Light Roofing goes above and beyond with their NBS specification service. In addition to our products being available via NBS Source (including the latest BIM and 3D CAD formats), Metrotile is able to build a complete specification for your roofing project. 

About the specification service, from

NBS Source provides the construction product information you need, when you need it. Including new enhanced product data, along with everything from Product Selector, NBS BIM Library, and NBS Plus. Source integrates directly into your project workflow, helping you find and select products fast.

Metrotile is ready to specify for any pitched roofing project, and has built up significant experience in the up and coming modular building industry, becoming part of many successful modular installations across the UK. Metrotile aspires to stay ahead of the curve with the latest projects while also serving its customers with as many options as possible, ensuring installation goes as smoothly as possible from initial planning to long after installation via their 40 year guarantee. 

You can view Metrotile’s products and documentation on NBS Source here.

If you have any further enquiries about this or any other subject related to Metrotile Lightweight Roofing, please get in touch.